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Gift Guide

Hi, I am Marcia. If you got to this page, you are probably in need of help to find a perfect gift for a special woman in your life. Honestly, there is a strong possibility you will not go wrong with jewelry. Most women love jewelry. We can’t help it. It is in our DNA! The challenge you may encounter is what will make her happy.

Here are some tips:

First, pay attention to what she likes to wear. Some women like large rings, but smaller pendants. Some favor facet gemstones (they usually sparkle) over cabochons (they have a flatter surface, typically don’t sparkle and look more solid). Is her earring pierced? My brother-in-law once gave my sister a lovely pair of post earrings. Big mistake! Her earrings were not pierced, and she got very upset he never noticed!

 It will be helpful to observe what color she tends to wear. Some of us ar very particular when matching our jewelry with the daily outfit color. If that sounds like her, you may want to choose gemstones that will go well with her preferred outfit.

She may have a preferred gemstone as well. Is there a particular gemstone she does not have and would love to own? It is OK to ask questions without making it clear you are about to give her a surprise gift.

Don’t get overwhelmed. It is not that complicated. All you have to do is take a few minutes a day to observe.

I have seen very few women that dislike their birthstones. I have seen women loving to wear their significant one’s birthstones as well.

This birthstone chart should be helpful.

If you need any guidance, please, let me know. I will be happy to help!